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New Generation of Leaders for Produkt + Markt

September 11 2024

German MR company Produkt + Markt has announced a change in its leadership, with previous managing directors and main shareholders Michael Albers, Heiner Junker and Prof. Joachim-Scholz-Ligma handing over the reins to promotees and new MDs Katja Birke and Axel Schomborg.

Katja Birke and Axel SchomborgProdukt + Markt was founded in 1973, is based in Wallenhorst in Lower Saxony, employs around 130 people and last year reached a turnover of around EUR 18m. A member of the Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN), the firm offers full service research in sectors including consumer and industrial goods, healthcare, agribusiness and animal health research. The institute has been led and majority-owned by the three MDs for decades: Birke and Schomborg have been shareholders since 2009 and have been in senior positions for a number of years, with a say in major decisions.

The company says it also considered an external sale, but decided to trust 'its own strengths'. According to Schomborg, employees are 'highly motivated to inspire clients with solutions, expertise, and commitment while being able to respond flexibly'. He adds: 'We have come to the conclusion that we can realize these strengths better as an independent company than within a large group'.

The firm says in accordance with its 'focus on quality and customer proximity' and 'joy in working together with clients to find solutions', the fundamental orientation of services and contacts will remain the same. Birke and Schomborg (pictured) will continue to prioritise training of employees, among other aims including AI development and greater sustainability, on which the company is 'already very well positioned'.

A large number of other senior staff have taken the opportunity to buy shares in the company or increase their holdings, including Dr. Dirk Aderhold, Christiane Bernsen, Carolin Globisch, Claudia Greischel, Juliane Nafroth, Dr. Ludger Rolfes and Tanja Schröder. The three former leaders will remain active in the company for the time being, supporting their replacements during the transition period. Albers comments: 'We hand over the responsibility for Produkt + Markt to the next generation with great confidence and joy. The overwhelmingly positive response from our employees confirms that we have made the right decision'.

Web site: www.produktundmarkt.de .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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