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French and Italian Agencies Launch Polling Europe

September 26 2024

Paris-based OpinionWay has joined forces with Italian opinion researcher SWG to launch Polling Europe, a Brussels-based institute researching public trends and opinions across the continent.

Hugues CazenaveFounded in 2000 and with offices in France, North Africa (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia), Poland and Ivory Coast, OpinionWay works in areas including market understanding, brand issues and product and service development, for B2B and B2C clients. The group operates worldwide and boasts particular expertise in China, the Middle East, the US, Japan and South Korea. Its new partner SWG was founded in Trieste in 1981 and includes Kratesis, a strategic consulting and institutional relations company; and Rachael, a firm that integrates demoscopic research with big data and data science. The group now has around 50 staff in offices in Trieste, Rome and Milan.

Polling Europe will offer tailor-made solutions for European institutions, committees, parliamentary groups, think tanks, advertisers, and business and consultancy firms across Europe. The new firm will cover a wide range of topics, from societal issues to political challenges, and promises a combination of rigour and flexibility in its methods for tracking public opinion across Europe. An 'advanced technological infrastructure' and an extensive network of partners mean it can deliver results quickly, across the whole continent, in real time, 'while maintaining competitive costs'.

Hugues Cazenave, Chairman of OpinionWay says the alliance with SWG 'marks a new stage in his firm's vision of opinion and marketing research'. He explains: 'Polling Europe goes beyond borders to offer pan-European analysis, which is essential in a world where opinions are having a more direct influence on political and economic decisions every day'.

Web sites: www.opinion-way.com , www.swg.it and www.pollingeurope.eu .

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