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Finnish Group Launches 'SpotOn' Cross-Media Ad Currency

October 22 2024

In Finland, a group of commercial broadcasters have launched a new measurement system for cross-platform advertising. SpotOn's measurement includes advertising on broadcast TV, streaming services and online video. The service is led by longtime commercial radio researcher Riina Aho.

Riina AhoThe project began as a multi-year contract signed in 2022 by Finnish commercial broadcasters MTV Oy and Sanoma Media Finland, and Milan-based measurement specialists dataBreeders. Since then it has been joined by Warner Bros. Discovery and The Walt Disney Company Nordic & Baltics, and therefore includes all the member companies of Screenforce Finland, the trade body for commercial television in the country with more than fifteen TV channels and 250m in advertising sales.

The measure pulls in broadcaster ad server data, TV meter spot data and streaming data from router meters operated by Finnpanel, and reports unified contacts and de-duplicated reach on a campaign level daily and in all key target groups. The system was tested in May 2023 and was found to deliver 'currency-grade measurement', according to the members - subsequently the various parties have continued their collaboration to develop the reporting tool and documentation.

Head of SpotOn Riina Aho (pictured) has worked as a Researcher and RM at commercial radio umbrella organisation RadioMedia ry for more than twenty years, and as a consultant to Screenforce for more than five. She comments: 'The key features of SpotOn measurement are reliability and transparency, as well as other common quality standards. To reinforce transparency, the measurement methodology has been validated by an external contractor. The measurement is open to others joining, if they meet with technical criteria'.

Web site: www.screenforce.fi .

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