Edinburgh-based Quirkos Software has announced the launch of Quirkos 3, which offers the benefits and functionality of its Web and cloud-based solutions for qualitative analysis in an off-line tool.Launched ten years ago by Daniel Turner, Quirkos provides software allowing users to code and explore qualitative text and open-ended responses, with an interface displaying 'bubbles' to represent emerging themes as they grow from the data. The solution produces colourful outputs in common formats for presentations, reports and further analysis. A Web version opening in a browser window and requiring no installation was launched in 2022, and the company boasts identical Windows, Mac and Linux versions.
The new Quirkos 3 version brings the latest improvements to reporting and a modern interface derived from Quirkos Web, but in a fully off-line desktop app, which will allow users with strict confidentiality needs to ensure their data is never stored off-site. The firm says on-boarding is greatly improved, reports are clearer with new visualisations of coding per source, and there is universal training and support across versions.
Turner comments: 'We are really excited to have Quirkos 3 released, and to keep our desktop app in-step with our cloud offerings. Although most people prefer Quirkos Cloud for the live collaboration, cross-device support and our secure automated transcription service, we know many organisations prefer software with permanent licences and entirely offline storage. We know many of our customers aren't permitted to store their data in any cloud service, and don't want genAI training or interpretation on their qualitative data. Quirkos 3 allows us to offer these options, but keeps all the features and layout consistent across our offerings'.
The firm is online at www.quirkos.com .
All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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