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Storytelling Boost for Smarty Pants

July 8 2024

In the US, research consultancy Smarty Pants has appointed Noel McGuire as an analyst-level 'Insights Whiz', working with clients in the toys and games, wellness and entertainment sectors.

Noel McGuireMcGuire (pictured) joins from the Hollywood Compassion Coalition, where as a Digital Content Manager
she translated media psychology and health communication scholarship into articles for content creators; and earlier she worked at Bay Area non-profit Asian Health Services, providing health, social and advocacy services to underserved Asian communities. She holds a Ph.D. in Media and Communication Technology from Chapman University, where she also earned her master's degree in Health Communication and bachelor's in Strategic and Corporate Communication.

Described by the firm as an expert in 'interpreting how younger generations [and their parents] interpret and utilize stories to understand themselves, their communities and the world', McGiure in her new role will plan and help execute qual, quant and mixed-method research.

Insights Guru Danielle Place says of the new arrival: 'Noel is an incredibly talented researcher. Her storytelling skills are particularly captivating, and her deep understanding of consumer behavior coupled with her natural curiosity is already impressing our clients'.

McGuire is among six hires this year at the firm, which is online at www.smartypantsinsights.com .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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