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Jarmany's Rhodes to Lead Data Labs Unit for Ipsos UK

September 26 2024

In the UK, Ipsos has announced the launch of Ipsos Data Labs, bringing together 200 specialists. The unit taps the global group's analytics expertise and proprietary data assets, along with data engineering capabilities from its recent acquisition of Jarmany, whose co-founder Matthew Rhodes will lead the new unit.

Matthew RhodesThe group says the Data Labs aims 'to partner with our clients to bridge the gap between data abundance and strategic decision-making'. This includes helping clients to transform their data into actionable insights. The unit will focus on five core areas to drive value for our clients:

  • Optimisation of products, services and pricing.
  • spotting opportunities for growth through analysis of online and behavioural data
  • Efficiency, including integration of disparate data sets to create 'one source of truth'
  • agile decision support via timely and accessible insights allowing a quick response to changing market conditions, and
  • driving internal productivity, making the most of AI and machine learning.

Kelly Beaver, Chief Executive Officer of Ipsos UK and Ireland, comments: 'Our unique data assets, combined with our experienced team of data analysts, engineers and integration specialists, allow us to provide unparalleled insights. Through recent acquisitions, like Ipsos Jarmany, we're able to support the data transformation needs of our clients. This offer is a further step in our growth plan, reinforcing our unique position to deliver a true understanding of the hearts and minds of consumers, citizens, and professionals around the world'.

Home page: www.ipsos.com .
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