Community panels and digital research specialist Verve has hired former Research Now AsiaPac MD Jason Buchanan to set up a consumer interaction business unit called Verve Collaborations. He is based in Australia.London-headquartered Verve, which also has offices in Manchester, UK, Chicago and Romania, uses commonly adopted technology to gather feedback, and integrates multiple data sources to deliver more in-depth insight. According to the company, its new Verve Collaborations has been set up to improve the research process for participants, and engage communities, collaborations and collectives of people for the insight sector.
As part of this launch, Verve is introducing The Ignite Collective - a global community of 'creative minds, cultural curators and individuals' who will help inform trend analysis and forecasting work. Buchanan (pictured) says that the focus on speed and price in the sample marketplace has led to respondents 'being treated like mechanical inputs in a machine, rather than like human beings,' and he claims that Verve Collaborations is doing the opposite. Recently appointed Network & Research Executive, Cherry Huang, will work with Buchanan to build out The Ignite Collective globally.
Buchanan joins the firm after a career which included setting up Research Now's Australian and AsiaPac business, and serving as MD, Asia Pacific at Survey Sampling International, (now combined as Dynata in 2019). Verve founder Andrew Cooper, who previously co-founded Research Now, comments: 'At Verve, Jason and I now plan to disrupt the way in which high quality qual and, to some extent, quant research, is undertaken. Now is the time for further substantial change in the research fieldwork industry.'
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All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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