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Heap Launches 'Journeys' Visual Mapping Tool

November 16 2022

Digital analytics provider Heap has released a tool called Journeys, which visually maps the paths users take when using a digital product, enabling clients to understand everything users do on their site or with their product. The firm has also launched several new privacy features.

Ken FineSan Francisco-based Heap automatically captures customer app and web site user interactions, without requiring tracking plans, tracking code or tags. According to the firm, traditional pathing features generally provide too much information for teams to find meaningful insights, and funnel tools have trouble comparing user paths, leaving teams with incomplete analyses.

The new Journeys solution combines visual maps, data science, and integrated session replay, and it has a configurable UX (user experience) to show which paths users take and which paths they avoid. In addition, the tool's data science capabilities uncover alternate routes users take to the same goal, and for every path, teams can view session replays cued to each moment they're interested in.

The firm has also launched new privacy features, including audit logs which provide a record of key events within an account; cross-domain identity management with single sign on; and configurable redactions for domain, path, data attributes, IP address, geolocation, and more. CEO Ken Fine (pictured) comments: 'Today's companies need to understand what users do in their digital experiences. With Journeys, teams can locate points of friction and take quick action to resolve them. Additionally, our new privacy features will additionally help teams maintain high standards for security.'

Web site: www.heap.io .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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