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FlexMR Launches Conversational Surveys Tool

September 17 2024

In London, insight tech company FlexMR has unveiled a new user interface called Conversational Surveys, intended to make surveys 'feel like a natural conversation that listens and reacts to responses in real-time. The tool is part of its InsightHub.

Harriet WilliamsFlexMR's offers a platform called the InsightHub, supporting rapid online and mobile data collection, multi-language analysis and activation workflows. This year it has launched an integrated generative AI-based text analysis tool called TextMR and a service based on the business technique known as sprint reviews, adding 'continuous streams of research with regular check-ins, adjustments and debriefs' to its ActivateMR tool. In the summer it expanded its AI-powered survey offering with the addition of PromptAI, and two weeks ago it added the Consumer Duty Programme, a service helping financial services clients comply with new UK Consumer Duty regulations.

The new tool combines a variety of classic survey question and answer options with generative AI from PromptAI, to adapt and probe intelligently. Probe questions can have a variety of answer options including single and multiple-choice responses, free text responses and recorded audio clips. The company says this means that surveys 'adapt and probe in a truly personalised manner to each individual answer'. Optimised for both web site and mobile usage, surveys can be administered via the InsightHub or embedded in web sites off-platform.

FlexMR Tech Lead Nana Akwah says the new tool 'brings a fresh, participant-centric approach to customer feedback, styled in a format that mirrors the familiar chat interfaces that people use daily'. Insight Manager Harriet Williams (pictured) says it represents 'a much-needed opportunity to reduce the level of formality surrounding survey completion, especially in B2C research'.

Web site: www.flexmr.net .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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