WPP-owned PR consultancy Hill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K) has launched a service called 'The Shanghai Addition', promising a new way to connect Chinese brands with audiences, cultures and markets around the world.Backed by the international H+K network and WPP, the service is an extension of London's Global Center of Creative Strategy, which offers access to a behavioral insights unit, and services such as market and audience insight, strategic business and brand consultancy, and innovation consulting in partnership with Future Labs / LSN Global. The center is led by H+K's UK CEO Richard Millar and Chief Creative Strategist UK, Simon Shaw (pictured).
H+K Global Chairman and CEO Jack Martin comments: 'The Shanghai Addition brings the skills of the London Center of Creative Strategy to China. Its purpose is to serve the global ambitions of Chinese brands by developing strategies to connect them with audiences around the world through H+K's extensive network'.
Web site: www.hkstrategies.com .
All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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