Data-driven marketing firm MediaMath, which has expanded worldwide in recent years from a US base, is helping to establish a venture capital fund, MathCapital, to support up-and-coming marketing and ad tech companies.Partners of the new fund are MediaMath CEO and founder Joe Zawadzki; and Eric Franchi, co-founder of digital ad company Undertone, which was sold for $180m in 2015.
The fund will operate out of MediaMath's headquarters at 4 World Trade Center (pictured) in New York City, and will partner closely with the company - funded companies will have access to MediaMath's '4,500+ advertisers, 350+ partners and in-house business and marketing expertise'.
Specific target sectors are:
All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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