Gerry Nicolaas, Ipsos MORI's Head of Data Collection Methodology, is leaving to re-join not-for-profit social research agency NatCen as Director of Methods, in charge of the organisation's new Methodology and Innovation Hub.NatCen (National Centre for Social Research) carries out research into all areas of social policy, including health, crime, education, employment, travel, social attitudes and families. Nicolaas (pictured) will join its leadership team in August to head the new hub, which is being launched a month later. She has spent the past four years as Ipsos MORI's Head of Data Collection Methodology, Research Methods Centre, where her specific areas of expertise include survey response rates and non-response bias, respondent incentives, mixed-mode surveys, mode effects, web surveys and survey paradata. Prior to this, she spent sixteen years at NatCen; the last four as Head of Data Collection Methodology, before which she was an RA at the National Primary Care R&D Centre at the University of Manchester, and Social Survey Officer for the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. In addition, Nicolaas is the General Secretary of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).
Commenting on her appointment, CEO Guy Goodwin said: 'This is a big appointment for NatCen and signals our ambitions to become leaders in methods and innovation in the UK, including enhancing further our reputation for being cutting edge in data collection methods and practice'.
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All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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