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Redslim Tie-In Gives Worldpanel Data a New Front-End

July 8 2024

Swiss firm Redslim has a new data partnership with Kantar, tapping the former's SPRINT BI front-end for consuming fragmented datasets to help bring the latter's WorldpanelPlus insights to life.

Marta BattistonRedslim helps clients in Europe, the Americas and Asia bring together their fragmented and unstructured data and transform it into ready-to-use data sets for insights and analytics. The business helps find common characteristics within company data, merge it to create new perspectives and KPIs, report information online, and prepare data to answer users' questions. The firm works for more than 50 agencies across more than 55 countries, and optimizes data consumption for more than 30 global organizations.

WorldpanelPlus users are retailers and manufacturers, requiring in-depth, real-time insights on shopper behaviour across online and off-line trips, channels and industries. The SPRINT interface will provide them with dashboards which simplify consumer insights from complex data sets and allow for a swift response to market trends and consumer needs.

Marta Battiston (pictured), Chief Strategy Officer at Redslim, says the companies' collaboration has been client-focused from day one, adding: 'For Redslim SPRINT, it is a fantastic milestone to see it becoming the front-end of choice for such an impactful data service from Kantar'. Russell Sylvester, Business Unit Director at Kantar, comments: 'Redslim's data and visualization expertise will help clients leverage key insights quicker so they can make faster and more informed decisions, ultimately driving their business success'.

Web sites: www.redslim.net and www.kantar.com .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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