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Partners Aim to Smooth Marketing Mix Modelling

August 28 2024

Durham, NC-based marketing mix software company Keen Decision Systems has partnered with digital marketing and performance analytics specialist TapClicks to improve the process of data collection in marketing mix models.

Babak HedayatiKeen's 'next-generation marketing mix system' combines historical performance measurement with predictive and prescriptive plans to optimize ongoing cross-channel marketing spend choices, tied to financial outcomes. In June, it added an interpretative AI function to its platform, providing a comprehensive executive summary of a media plan in real time.

The firm says integrating the technology of San Jose, California-based TapClicks - specifically its TapData product - will smooth the process of gathering the necessary data, moving it into appropriate formats and uploading it to the modeling platform, previously 'difficult and time-consuming, especially for smaller brands with limited resources'. Keen says it can also push marketing mix results back into TapClicks for automated buying processes, further simplifying marketing decisions.

Keen CRO Bradley Keefer comments: 'Marketers today are inundated with data, making it difficult for them to determine what exactly they need for specific functions. With smaller companies not always having the resources they need to analyze data, this process can only be more time-consuming. TapClicks makes it easier for our smaller clients to upload and analyze their data into our marketing mix models, saving them valuable time and resources'. TapClicks CEO and founder Babak Hedayati (pictured) adds: 'Speed is the name of the game for marketers today, so they need tools that help them quickly make actionable decisions. This partnership ensures that marketers can extract the data they need and utilize it in their marketing mix models in a very cost-efficient way'.

Web sites are at www.keends.com and www.tapclicks.com .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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