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Leger Hires SVP for Opinion Business

September 18 2024

In Montreal, market research firm Leger has announced the appointment of former Research Now and Dynata exec Jason Bowen as Senior Vice President of its Leger Opinion unit.

Jason BowenEstablished in 1986, Leger is the largest Canadian-owned market research and analytics company with more than 600 employees in eight Canadian and US offices. In the last two years it has acquired US research company 360 Market Reach and taken a majority stake in remote, AI-driven advertising test platform CUBE AI, while this year has seen a number of senior appointments, as well as the reappointment of Sébastien Dallaire, previously First Vice President for Canada and General Manager of Quebec for Ipsos, as EVP for Eastern Canada.

Bowen (pictured) brings more than twenty years of experience in the industry across North America, including building strategic relationships and sales teams, and in his new role will aim to drive growth and innovation for the division in both Canada and the US, with a particular emphasis on the latter. He joins from Dynata where he served as VP Sales for almost seven years, after working for a similar time at predecessor company Research Now.

Leger Opinion EVP Jean-Sebastien Simard says the move marks 'an exciting new chapter' for the division, adding: 'We're delighted to welcome Jason Bowen on board as we set sail toward new horizons'.

The company's home page is at www.leger360.com .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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